Clytie Sadler is a multi-talented designer and photographer who grew up on Aquidneck Island, just off the Rhode Island coast.
Fun Facts About Me:
When in season, I am run by watermelon.
I have a fox-like dog named Rex. He’s really cute.
I’m a genetic unicorn, a blue-eyed redheaded identical twin.
My dad used to sit one of us on the gas tank of his motorcycle and tell us to hold onto the handlebars. The other held on in the back by jamming our hands in his pockets and holding on. It was the 80s, and it was fun!
In college, I worked as a silver- and goldsmith.
One of my photographs made The Wall Street Journal.
I used to side-gig as a wedding photographer.
Clytie grew up with a mother who painted, sculpted and designed jewelry. Towing her and her twin sister through different museums, her mother taught her about the fine arts, and eventually, how to make jewelry. Her father introduced her to seeing light in a new way when he taught her how to develop film at the age of seven. By the time she left for college, this had given Clytie a rich, layered upbringing in the arts.
Equally interested in maps and the earth, Clytie graduated with a BS in Earth & Geographic Sciences with technical certifications in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Hydrogeology. She moved easily into the world of science, excelled in the art of mapmaking, learned to code, and naturally fell into mixed media arts.
A designer, photographer, and cartographer, she further developed her technical skills in web and graphic design, seamlessly merging the two diverse disciplines of science and creative arts. Clytie had rejoined the arts in the digital world as a technical artist.
Word spread of her growing expertise and friends and other artists asked her to design and build websites, create graphic imagery and develop logos for their businesses. It became a full-fledged business, and she hasn’t looked back.
After spending twenty years in Boston, Clytie created a cozy space in Connecticut to call home. These days she can be found spending time with her family and walking with her dog Rex in the early morning hours.