Imagery engages; it is why people love Instagram. Make your first impression stand out. I can help provide professional quality photography for your website, helping you keep people interested and engaged with your brand.
I offer product photography, professional headshots, and photojournalistic lifestyle visuals for your website. With my business-centric design eye, I can also help build a library of stock imagery for your website using the different resources available to me.
My work has been pretty diverse from a dog training business to vintage furniture + tchotchkes, weddings, high-end jewelry, toys, several food trucks, a magazine cover, the Wall Street Journal, and more.
Headshots - $175
What you get: An hour of my time shooting inside against a backdrop (white, light grey, dark grey, or black) or on location outside. It’s your time, have as many outfit changes as you want, but remember that will cut into your time. The package includes basic post-production work like color balancing, exposure adjustments, minor blemish removal, or skin smoothing. You pick your favorite three images. $65 for each additional half-hour of shooting. We can discuss additional editing if needed.
Commercial Work - Varies
Basic Product Photography
This is for small to medium-sized products that fit on store shelves.
Products are photographed against a white background.
Each product gets three images: front, back, and side.
add $5/product for additional views.
Basic post-production work: color balancing, exposure adjustments, and minor blemish removal.
Shipping back and forth is not included.
Products do not require any styling.
Products must be of a manageable weight, under 15lbs each.
Heavier items require additional help to be paid by the client.
#Products Price/Product
0 - 25 $60/product
26 - 50 $50/product
51 - 100 $40/product
101 - 200 $35/product
Stylized Product Photography
These are considered vignettes, and there are many variables to consider. If the job is closer to basic product photography, then my rate per product will have a surcharge on top of the prices in the chart above. If the shoot is more elaborate, we need to talk about what it’s for, the size and scope of the shoot, and how many vignettes you need. Will you be stylizing the shoot, or will I? Will you be providing the props? Any props I need to source would be an additional cost for you to think about too.
Please contact me for a quote.
Onsite Editorial Photography
2 hours - $500
4 hours - $1000
8 hours - $2500
Why does the price jump so much? For every hour of photography, there’s a lot of post-production work. So what do you get for your money? I will come to you with my photo gear and lights. You come out of the experience with a lot of photos, plus post-production work like color balancing, exposure adjustments, and any minor photoshop edits an image needs. You also get the licensing to use for your business on your website, social media, and print.
Food Photography
$500 minimum for two hours of shooting.
I come to you for an onsight photo shoot. I bring my lights and reflectors. Please provide me with a space to work and a time that makes this comfortable for all. I don't need a lot of space but expect me to take up the equivalent of two tables (I'll need one) and some room at the bar if appropriate. You will need to provide any tablescape items you want to illustrate the dining experience. Your chef should present the food as a customer would expect. Price includes post-production work like color balancing, exposure adjustments, and any minor photoshop edits an image needs to remove any food drips. You also get the licensing to use for your business on your website, social media, and print.
Photo Editing
Website Batch Editing
Upgrading existing photos with professional editing for a website. Contact me for a quote. We’ll see how many images you need adjustments/enhancements for and go from there.
Simple Blemish Removal + Color Enhancement
Even professionally shot RAW files, get developed once they’re pulled out of the camera. If you need minor adjustments, like a blemish or skin smoothing, I can take care of that and make the color pop a bit more.
Edits: This image has had a minor blemish removed on the bride’s collarbone, the blue cast from his suit dialed back, and the color-enhanced from the duller original.
Simple Removal + Color Enhancement
This photo is the famed “first look” that the bride and groom take part in nowadays. They see each other before the wedding because they’d like to get their formal photos out of the way. It’s a wonderfully intimate moment that lets them breathe a little before seeing everyone and allows them to enjoy more of their reception.
Edits: The focus is on the bride coming down the stairs to her waiting future husband, so she’s what should be “framed” in the photo. The edits draw your eye to her with fewer distractions and present a final clean image. I removed the people walking in the top left and the rogue flower sticking up in the center next to the bride. I adjusted the exposure and color to frame the bride better by bringing depth to the photo.
Complex Removal
When the neighbor pumpkin insists on being in your photo of all your grandchildren, you sometimes only have one choice, hire me.
Edits: If you haven’t guessed already, the pumpkin was removed. The final version has the two boys closer together, but this is for illustrative purposes and the next example shows that type of photo edit.
Complex Removal + Conversion to Black and White
The groom and his groomsmen is a pose that’s been done for generations. Converting it to black and white only adds to that timelessness and evokes a certain mood here.
Edits: Beyond the conversion to black and white, the photo has had several edits completed here. The biggest edit is the groomsman to the far left was brought in closer to the group, bringing the balance of the photo back and centered. Additionally, the lights in the ceiling have been removed, along with some minor distracting blemishes to the plaster. A couple of the guys’ faces are a little washed out, so their individual faces were edited by darkening them in on the side where the sun streaming in from the right lit them too much.