Point Therapy Acupuncture
Groton, CT
Dr. Plessman spent his career as a dental surgeon who used trigger point therapy to help relieve people’s symptoms, mainly of the head, neck, and face. This only helped treat pain and not what was causing it. He introduced acupuncture to his practice and found his true passion. Upon retiring from dental surgery, he knew he wanted to spend his retirement by continuing to help people. He started this journey a couple of years ago, and I was lucky enough to help him with this journey.
Dr. Jim was interested in a simple one-page website. His requirements were that the navigation menu have a clickable phone number to make appointments. He also wanted a sutle way to navigate the page with a side navigation panel.
+ Responsive One-Page Website
+ Branding
+ Logo Design
+ Trifold Brochure
+ SEO Package
+ Custom Coding
Logo Design
Dr. Jim wanted a colorful, but soothing logo. One requirement was to include his wife’s favorite color, purple. When they settled on this logo, we replaced the harsher black with her favorite color. We all agreed it brought a softer tone to the logo without losing the contrast. This collaborative effort is what I strive for; everyone feels a part of the process and heard. It also makes you really feel invested in the process, making you love it that much more.
Custom Coding
This is a screengrab of the website’s desktop version’s “Read More” popup. The “Read More” popup provides a way to save space for the end-user when scrolling a one-page website. There is custom-coding involved as this does not come as a standard feature in Squarespace. As such, this is treated as an additional service.
Mobile Version
The Home page forgoes the smiling woman for the airy light side of the image. The woman’s face is hidden on mobile due to the legibility issues her face creates. These are the types of decisions we're making all the time with the messaging and responsive design.
The mobile version of the “Read More” pop-up that was created for the website.
This is how the FAQ accordions appear on mobile. These, too, are an effective way to provide information options to the end-user.